Applying for the certification *
1. Client information
2. Contact Persons’ Information
3. Products (Please mention the products you want to get certified)
Please attach filled product specification form for each product (Not applicable for trading units).
4. Production Units
(Please mention the production units you want to get certified)
Please attach organic management plan-Production unit for each production unit.
4.1. If you have applied to add new farm lands, do you wish to request Control Union to retrospectively consider the conversion period (to obtain the organic status directly)? *
5. Processing Units
(Please mention the production units you want to get certified)
* Please attach organic management plan-Processing unit for each processing unit.
** Please note that all the processing steps should be included in any of the above locations.
6. Has the operation/project and any farmers ever been registered, inspected or certified before by another certification body (CB)? *
(if you ticked no in the previous question, please fill a - in)
7. Has the operation/project ever been provided with consultancy on organic production and/or processing? *
(if you ticked no in the previous question, please fill a - in)
(if you don't apply for the first time, please upload an empty file)
Applicant Declaration
Undersigned declares to have completed this application form truthfully.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
Based on the above information CUC will draw up a non-obligatory offer for a contract and send to you.
Control Union Inspections (Pvt) Ltd.
OFFICE No.100/8 • 3rd Floor • FPA Building • Nawala Road • Narahenpita • Colombo 05 • Sri Lanka
T +94 11 2678607-9 • www.controlunion.com • cusrilanka@controlunion.com