General Information
Verification Module (Please check with your BRAND) *
Verification Type *
Type of Announcement
Accredited Host *
Assessment Version *
Does the BRAND ordering this verification nominate any particular verification body? *
Indicate the buyer(s) you are supplying
Was the audit ordered by the brand?
Is there a particular date by which your SLCP Verification needs to take place? *
1. Scope of registration:
2. Site/s details
3. Site locations
4. Facility inspections
Has the facility to be inspected ever been registered, inspected or certified for social/labor compliance before by another Inspection/Certification Body? *
Does the facility participate in other certification programs (safety; environmental; sustainability; etc.)?
5. Worker Analysis
Number of workers shall be excluding the management, staff and supervisors. only the employees where no one reports to them. If you have multiple sites, please indicate details against each site separately
Worker analysis
If you have multiple sites, please use the below format to upload the details.
Eg: Site 01
Upload your worker analysis details if you have multiple site locations
Eg: Site 01, Site 02, ......
Is there a Union, Collective Bargaining Agreement, or other worker welfare group in place at the site?
Migrant Workers
6. Subcontractors:
7. Please list the languages spoken by workers at the facility.
8. Details of Accommodation / Housing provided to workers
Do you provide onsite accommodation for workers
Do you provide offsite accommodation for workers