Please use full name of company with e.g. Ltd., Inc, etc.
First name, last name and function
Complete if different from legal representative
I am completing this application form because I wish to receive a non-binding offer for validation/verification of my Plan Vivo project.
Your desired scope
Your desired engagement
Please upload any (draft) Project Description and/or Monitoring Report as applicable
Please provide a short description of your business activities and company sector
Please describe your Plan Vivo project activity and used Plan Vivo technical specification(s) and/or approved approaches to be validated/verified
Please specify the (planned) project start and end date and project location(s) (including coordinates). In case of
verification, also indicate the time period to be verified
Please indicate the amount of emission reductions and/or removals. In case of validation, this concerns the total estimated amount over the whole project period. In case of verification, this concerns the total amount over the time period to be verified
Please describe the baseline scenario (i.e., what would have happened in the absence of the project activity) and indicate the amount of emissions that would be reduced and/or removed in this scenario
Aim of validation/verification report
Please specify the purpose of the resulting validation/verification report
Please list standards and other normative documents relevant to your Plan Vivo project scope, and include them with the application (e.g., applicable project methodology)
Such as prior certification by Control Union for other programs (carbon-related or not)
By default the level of assurance shall be reasonable, with respect to material errors, omissions and misrepresentations. Should a limited level of assurance be preferred (only if permitted by Plan Vivo), please indicate so below
Undersigned declares to have completed this Application Form truthfully
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.