General information
Please use full legal name of company with e.g. Ltd., Inc, SAC, SA, SARL, BV or NGO to be listed on the Scope Certificate as certificate holder
Please complete if different from legal name
Company's legal representative
Please give information about the person with the authority to sign contract within the company
Contact details for CUC database
Please assign a person as main contact for communication related to certification (quality manager or other)
Operation and process
e.g., converting, filling, printing, trading, manufacturing/producing, plastic recycling, etc.
Please indicate below the products to be included in the scope of certification
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
e.g., bottles, plastic bags
e.g., LDPE
e.g. LDPE light gray garbage bags 30 L and 60 L for household use
Sites of activity
Please indicate below all locations with relevant activity for RecyClass certification (administration/processing/manufacturing/recycling/transport/storage/packing/distribution/etc.). Please also consider and name relevant subcontractors
Signature of the applicant
By signing below, I declare that I am legally authorized to sign on behalf of the applying company indicated under the section 'General information', and that this Application is completed truthfully and to the best of my knowledge
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.